Monday, 3 June 2013

K-POP wannabe gone wrong

This is a (spruced up) picture of the gym in the hotel where we are currently staying. Just your usual treadmill affair with a few exercise bikes, a rower and some weights at the back. Nothing overly exciting but it does the job.

The gym is located on Level 2 of the hotel, a very central location that is also home to the morning breakfast buffet, the pool, spa and sauna and the kids playroom. This means a lot of people, in fact, most of the hotel guests, come and go from just outside the gym

There is no speaker system for the gym. Rather, users bring their own earphones and either use their "i" device or plug into the TV screens for one of many k-pop channels so they control the volume at which they listen (vital fact). 
Aside from the extremely buff personal trainer (is there any other type?) who seems to live in the gym, the regular gym users consist of:
  • Fit Japanese dude who looks fifty but i suspect he is actually 70. His body is a temple and his workouts are methodical.
  • Man who was once with wife but she has since disappeared and he has now, very proudly, grown a dark brown moustache to complement his growing muscle mass and greying, thinning hair.
  • Angry middle aged woman who locks her kids upstairs while she somewhat maniacally works out her various frustrations on the bike.
  • Various mining engineers who have left family behind in home country while they do what they need to do (for the good of the family). 
  • And then there is me (who perhaps could be mistaken for person described in dot point 3 but is not).
You would be right in assuming that this gym, like most hotel gyms, is not the appropriate place for one to practice k-pop renditions, particularly if person practising is quite well known for not being able to sing (tone deaf is too generous a term in this respect).  So, how did I feel when a fellow hotel guest politely asked me one morning if I was aware of a rumour circulating the hotel that there was some crazy Australian woman who sings loudly, very loudly, while running on the treadmill? Fellow hotel guest was way too generous in her spirited defence of me, explaining that she had attempted to exonerate me against the allegations of public singing on the grounds that: a) it would not be me and; b) that there would be no way that I would be singing One Direction or various Glee ballads. Oh, how wrong she was.

In my defence, I am struggling for running motivation. Seoul was too cold for too long and now it is too hot. In any event, outside running has limited options as the traffic, chaotic as most Asian cities are, does not tend to stay purely on the roads (don't get me started on the buses - they are a law unto themselves). And then there is the yellow dust phenomenon that comes this way every year from China making for great headaches and not so great running air. But is there really any excuse for an unfit 35 year old on a treadmill in a public gym with earphones in to belt out the following lyrics (in true Glee style, this is a mashed up version of several song lyrics)?

"I know we've only met but let's pretend it's love. My lover, he's waiting for me just across the road. I know I gave it to you months ago so let's set the world on fire. We can burn brighter than the sun. I'm bullet proof. Let's go crazy, crazy, crazy till we see the sun. Just got to ignite the light and let it shine cause baby you're a firework and we will never be anything but dirty little freaks." 

Have I mentioned yet that I cannot sing? I can't. Not at all. My own two year old pleads with me in the car to stop singing as it hurts her ears. Not only that but I never know the words. I might know one or two words of the chorus (sometimes a whole line on a particularly good day) but usually there is a lot of "yeah yeah yeah" going on along with some serious mumbling. So what was I thinking when I began to sing outside of my head (where, btw, I am totally awesome)? I don't know but now that I have started I'm not sure I know how to stop! Seriously, I am running some really good times thanks to my own words of encouragement via song and the joy that I am getting from the singing/running might just possibly outweigh the embarrassment! 

Kindly fellow hotel guest (who took it well when my blushed face gave the game away) did take it upon herself to check with the bemused yet concerned hotel guests as to what they would like to happen with my cat screeching impersonations. The somewhat surprising conclusion is that they would like me to continue as it provides much needed entertainment for all. Maybe I might (finally) be discovered. I am in the land of K-POP after all! 

Soul to Seoul - slightly embarrassed and perhaps even a little soulful but will continue.

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