Tuesday, 11 March 2014

The week in pictures

I am trying an exercise in word limitation - succinct would be the appropriate term to use here wouldn't it (and if I was actually succinct then I would not be writing all of these words to follow. Brevity and I are perhaps not the closest of companions). I remember an old boss at one workplace throwing some deeply researched papers back at me one day, saying he will only ever read a page (and that is if he is feeling generous). This may have happened at more than one workplace! I am also hating the fact that my husband falls asleep whenever I make him read my latest thesis. So, for the best interests of Peter, my old boss, and the attention span of my husband, here is my week in pictures.   

I saw the world's biggest earmuffs on the bus. I can only assume the wearer (from Quebec if the badges on her backpack were correct) had sore ears as it was not really cold the day I snapped this. 

I met my future husband. Have decided to not trade up for a younger model but instead go back to the time of the cave man as at least he will go out and hunt for me -  saving me time, energy and effort (and my elbows) at Costco. He's just a bit short and probably can't read (but that will decrease my anxiety levels when I scrutinise husband's reactions to my latest blog post and wonder why he fails to laugh our loud or why he falls asleep in the middle of reading it). We could also use the hairiness to save money on buying another blanket. 

My middle child became a model. 

At a play centre. Where you can also diffuse a nuclear bomb. 

I still don't know how to deal with the fact that she did not want to be a fire putter outterer or a SWAT dudette or play with lego. 

I stalked some rather cute students and found my way to a stand up cafe only where they serve ginormous coffee very cheaply. The coffee is as big as Barbie's legs. (Are you more disturbed by the fact I took this picture or by the size of the coffee?)

I (sadly) realised that my youngest child is a terrible sharer and we really need to reinforce the mantra "Sharing is caring." I bought her a bagel. See crumb on right hand side (it is very hard to make out). That is all she offered me. 

I went to my first Korean soccer match. I quite liked the drumming and the flag waving. 

I did not like watching my husband dare with the gods of food poisoning as he ate something from a box that was made to look like chicken. The gloves came with it. The black toxin on top of the "chicken" was an added bonus. 

I found a headless person on the bus. 

I drank a margarita cocktail on a Tuesday night. Crazy times people. I was reminded of my last year of high school/first year of university (when I had no kids and no husband) and drank quite a few of these at the local Keg in Ringwood. I miss those days! This is not what the cocktail looked like. 

I went to a Korean wedding. This was my best attempt at an artistic photo! 

I made my kids eat pesto pasta three nights in a row. At first, they liked it. They are now saying they will never eat it again.

I sold what I think must be my very last item of clothing in my wardrobe on EBAY (unwanted clothing that is - I am not a nudist). I am now down to a very, very minimalistic wardrobe that consists mostly of black and blue, with a little bit of grey (yet I still would not be able to participate in the 6 items of clothing for 6 weeks challenge: Six Items Challenge

I visited the Buddha statue up our mountain for some reflection.

I ran into a deer while I was there. 

And that was my week.